Friday, February 13, 2009

Wisdom of the Woods - The Story of Jed

This morning as I walked outside to throw out the compost I was greeted by an incredibly beautiful sight. A light snow had fallen overnight and all of the trees in the forest were covered with white. I took a deep breath of cold air and felt peace and

This experience led me to a realization that I call “The Story of Jed”. Many of you know Jed. Jed was a poor mountaineer who lived in nature amongst the trees. In the stillness of his environment Jed always felt surrounded by The Presence. His life was very simple and his main concern was keeping his family fed, which at times was difficult.

One day Jed takes his rifle to fetch some food for his family and an errant shot goes into the earth. What happened next would change Jed’s life forever. Up from the ground came the bubbling crude. Jed struck oil. Jed wasn’t looking for a life changing moment and would have been very happy staying in the woods. But his kinfolk recognized that he was an instant millionaire and told him to move away from his native land.

Jed packed up his family in his truck and moved to Beverly Hills, California. The idea being that with his new found wealth he could create a bigger, more prosperous, more joyous life. Life in Beverly Hills was insane! He couldn’t trust anybody and every day he was engulfed by greed, fear, lack, and limitation and all the drama that came with it. He could feel his body energetically succumbing to the effects of gravity and the depravity of the human experience. Life was a struggle and he was losing a sense of Self. He longed for a simpler existence, a quiet walk in the woods amongst the trees and The Presence.

The story stops there and gives us a lesson and a choice on how we live our lives. The choice is ours......I am so grateful to have chosen what feels best to me. What do you choose?

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