Friday, May 28, 2010

Life in the Vortex #22, The Series Conclusion

 A transformative ride today.

I received the next phase of my expansion as it refers to my blog.  I got that I am supposed to expand into another form of communication on this blog and I will begin a new series that is based on short youtube videos.

The theme of this new series is about manifesting the non-physical into physical form.  I call it Erich Weiss 101.  I will be consciously demonstrating focusing my attention on something (at the start of my day), and launching a "rocket of desire" (to quote Abraham).  At the end of the day I will report on the miracles that occurred through the power of the Law of Attraction to bring me (in a very amusing and personal way) what I was wanting.  At first I will warm-up with small seemingly insignificant things and then I will graduate to bigger seemingly more important things (it's much easier to start small because I don't have any resistance to receiving the small things).

I have enjoyed creating the "Life in the Vortex" series.  It feels complete to me.  22 Chapters...equivalent to the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet, "from Aleph to Tav", as they say.  I am very satisfied in how it turned out and now I am ready for my next expansion!

1. My Vibrational INstruments:
2. Connecting with the Upper and Lower Vibrations:
3. Creative Magic:
4. A God Sniffing Dog:

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