Jaco's intense desire to focus on playing the bass and the attention he gave to it left him with little energy and attention for practicing other aspects of human life. This led to a big imbalance in his being that he was not able to manage. We are all like Jaco in that we have the ability to focus and create ourselves into anything we want to be, do, or have. Jaco gives us a fabulous example of that. His story stimulates me to reassess my life and ask myself, what am I giving my attention and energy to? Focusing on and practicing my dreams? Or does it feel like my energy and attention is being diverted to watch TV, watch sports, go to movies, post to my FB page several times a day? Time to Wake-Up! We are in a temporary human existence and we get to be in this playground for a relatively short period. We came here to create and have fun creating.

All humans are like Superman. We are eternal beings that can fly around the world and universe and we have Superpowers that transcend the physical world we live in. And when we go into our phone booth to connect to our conscious awareness of it, we can live in that Superman state and let go of the small stuff that doesn't matter. And the attention we pay to the small stuff is our Kryptonite, the one thing that drains our energy and makes us impotent. In the physical world today we are surrounded by Kryptonite. There are black holes of it everywhere that are sucking our energy and attention....AND.....we are allowing it to happen.
Okay, but there is stuff that needs to be done like working and paying the bills, and laundry, and things that I need to take care of to assist my physical body's needs. Okay, back to Clark Kent, physical being in the physical world. But Clark is aware and awake, and knows that he can at any time become Superman again. This is the back and forth that humans need to understand and to practice, practice, practice, so that it becomes a natural and familiar thing to do.
That is the life experience that I want to live. Dream about what I want, know that I can create it, look for signs every day that is the manifestation of my creation, and be in the joyous celebration of my creation's unfolding!
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