Saturday, August 10, 2013

Awakening Takes Time

Spiritual Awakening is a process that requires patience and allowing if we are to enjoy the ride.  A human cannot ascend to self-realization in an instant, that's called death.  Our human bodies are not yet designed to hold the orgasmic, powerful energy of our Source God.  We have to slowly build-up our strength of conviction, faith, and prove to ourselves over and over again, through our life experiences, that we are eternal Source God beings inhabiting a physical body.  We are not our physical bodies, our physical bodies are just our current container for our Source God selves.  When we know this for sure, we are ready to hold, in our bodies and physical life experience, a higher voltage of Source God energy.  And we can slowly build up our ability to store larger and larger amounts through living our lives by feeling this powerful vibrational energy in our physical bodies.

In the Torah, Old Testament, there is a story that is an example of this.  Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu approached the Ark of the Covenant as they knew there was something more than physical life and wanted to experience it directly (my guess is that this incident occurred late at night, after smoking some good weed, or the equivalent, and being in a very High state of consciousness and Oneness).  Nadav and Avihu fully attained the same state (vibration) that was Source God and they emerged back into that blissful non-physical state.  Their bodies were left perfectly intact.  Fortunately, for us humans, Evolution has been designing a new model of physical body each year.  So that we are more able to attain higher and higher states and still come back to our physical bodies.  This is the process of Waking Up, and we are all doing it in our own individual ways and time frames.  The question is, are we IN-JOY-ING this Waking Up process or are we frustrated that it is not here yet? 

It's our choice, and today I am choosing to be IN-JOY deliberately and patiently......feeling the Presence of Source God energy alive and vibrating in my physical body and knowing that All Is Well!

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