Saturday, August 10, 2013
Awakening Takes Time
Spiritual Awakening is a process that requires patience and allowing if we are to enjoy the ride. A human cannot ascend to self-realization in an instant, that's called death. Our human bodies are not yet designed to hold the orgasmic, powerful energy of our Source God. We have to slowly build-up our strength of conviction, faith, and prove to ourselves over and over again, through our life experiences, that we are eternal Source God beings inhabiting a physical body. We are not our physical bodies, our physical bodies are just our current container for our Source God selves. When we know this for sure, we are ready to hold, in our bodies and physical life experience, a higher voltage of Source God energy. And we can slowly build up our ability to store larger and larger amounts through living our lives by feeling this powerful vibrational energy in our physical bodies.
In the Torah, Old Testament, there is a story that is an example of this. Aaron's sons, Nadav and Avihu approached the Ark of the Covenant as they knew there was something more than physical life and wanted to experience it directly (my guess is that this incident occurred late at night, after smoking some good weed, or the equivalent, and being in a very High state of consciousness and Oneness). Nadav and Avihu fully attained the same state (vibration) that was Source God and they emerged back into that blissful non-physical state. Their bodies were left perfectly intact. Fortunately, for us humans, Evolution has been designing a new model of physical body each year. So that we are more able to attain higher and higher states and still come back to our physical bodies. This is the process of Waking Up, and we are all doing it in our own individual ways and time frames. The question is, are we IN-JOY-ING this Waking Up process or are we frustrated that it is not here yet?
It's our choice, and today I am choosing to be IN-JOY deliberately and patiently......feeling the Presence of Source God energy alive and vibrating in my physical body and knowing that All Is Well!
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Jaco Pastorius and Superman
Last night I watched a 2 hour video on the life of the bass player Jaco Pastorius. Jaco had an amazing ability to singularly focus his energy on playing the bass, desiring to become "the best bass player in the world". He redefined the instrument and reached his goal in a fairly short period of time. But his life ended early, he was 36, and tragically, as he ended up living in the streets and getting physically beat so bad that it killed him (this is a judgment only from our human perspective).
Jaco's intense desire to focus on playing the bass and the attention he gave to it left him with little energy and attention for practicing other aspects of human life. This led to a big imbalance in his being that he was not able to manage. We are all like Jaco in that we have the ability to focus and create ourselves into anything we want to be, do, or have. Jaco gives us a fabulous example of that. His story stimulates me to reassess my life and ask myself, what am I giving my attention and energy to? Focusing on and practicing my dreams? Or does it feel like my energy and attention is being diverted to watch TV, watch sports, go to movies, post to my FB page several times a day? Time to Wake-Up! We are in a temporary human existence and we get to be in this playground for a relatively short period. We came here to create and have fun creating.

All humans are like Superman. We are eternal beings that can fly around the world and universe and we have Superpowers that transcend the physical world we live in. And when we go into our phone booth to connect to our conscious awareness of it, we can live in that Superman state and let go of the small stuff that doesn't matter. And the attention we pay to the small stuff is our Kryptonite, the one thing that drains our energy and makes us impotent. In the physical world today we are surrounded by Kryptonite. There are black holes of it everywhere that are sucking our energy and attention....AND.....we are allowing it to happen.
Okay, but there is stuff that needs to be done like working and paying the bills, and laundry, and things that I need to take care of to assist my physical body's needs. Okay, back to Clark Kent, physical being in the physical world. But Clark is aware and awake, and knows that he can at any time become Superman again. This is the back and forth that humans need to understand and to practice, practice, practice, so that it becomes a natural and familiar thing to do.
That is the life experience that I want to live. Dream about what I want, know that I can create it, look for signs every day that is the manifestation of my creation, and be in the joyous celebration of my creation's unfolding!
Jaco's intense desire to focus on playing the bass and the attention he gave to it left him with little energy and attention for practicing other aspects of human life. This led to a big imbalance in his being that he was not able to manage. We are all like Jaco in that we have the ability to focus and create ourselves into anything we want to be, do, or have. Jaco gives us a fabulous example of that. His story stimulates me to reassess my life and ask myself, what am I giving my attention and energy to? Focusing on and practicing my dreams? Or does it feel like my energy and attention is being diverted to watch TV, watch sports, go to movies, post to my FB page several times a day? Time to Wake-Up! We are in a temporary human existence and we get to be in this playground for a relatively short period. We came here to create and have fun creating.

All humans are like Superman. We are eternal beings that can fly around the world and universe and we have Superpowers that transcend the physical world we live in. And when we go into our phone booth to connect to our conscious awareness of it, we can live in that Superman state and let go of the small stuff that doesn't matter. And the attention we pay to the small stuff is our Kryptonite, the one thing that drains our energy and makes us impotent. In the physical world today we are surrounded by Kryptonite. There are black holes of it everywhere that are sucking our energy and attention....AND.....we are allowing it to happen.
Okay, but there is stuff that needs to be done like working and paying the bills, and laundry, and things that I need to take care of to assist my physical body's needs. Okay, back to Clark Kent, physical being in the physical world. But Clark is aware and awake, and knows that he can at any time become Superman again. This is the back and forth that humans need to understand and to practice, practice, practice, so that it becomes a natural and familiar thing to do.
That is the life experience that I want to live. Dream about what I want, know that I can create it, look for signs every day that is the manifestation of my creation, and be in the joyous celebration of my creation's unfolding!
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Focus and Piercing the Matrix
I had a vision this morning that made me realize something.
I have been thinking about the "Matrix" (the totality of physical life on planet earth) and my desire to create my own experience in it. I saw the earth from space viewpoint with a rather tight netting covering it. It seemed the only way to pierce this netting was to go through one of it's tiny holes. I also saw humans not as physical bodied beings, but as energy packets consisting only of consciousness. It seemed that the bigger consciousnesses were pretty massive and thinking about so many things that it seemed impossible for this big mind in action, to singularly focus (much like a laser beam).
By focusing singularly we are taking something that we love to do and putting all our energy and attention into it. By focusing in this way we are letting go of anything that does not feel important to the focused activity that we have chosen, and as long as that focused activity feels good doing it, we are practicing being happy. And happy starts showing up in all areas of our lives.
I realized that this is the reason I have chosen music as my object of focus. The act of playing music engages both sides of my brain. My left side is engaged by the physical playing, using my body parts to create a sound. And my right side is engaged in creativity, imagining the sound. This is "The Zone", and it's possible for us to deliberately guide ourselves there......thus consciously creating our life experience and living our dreams in a happy and joyous way!
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