Saturday, July 27, 2013

Shaving My Head

I have been thinking of shaving my head.  I have been growing my hair now for 3  years running and I am wanting a change.  My hair feels like a distraction, taking care of it, moving it out of the way, washing it......the list goes on.  So I am imagining what it would feel like with my head shaved...and it's something that I have experienced before so I know what it will feel like and it feels good to focus on's been 3 years since I have cut it so it's a decision I don't take lightly.  And I know from experience that there is an energy shift that will happen as my new appearance will be changed strikingly.

Another rumination.  I think the energy of my Maternal Grandmother, who is my favorite ancestor of this life experience, is trying to contact me.  About 5 days ago as I was in conversation with a friend and the words "Thanks God" came out with the same Eastern European Jewish accent that my Grandmother had.  I instantly recognized the connection but not the significance.....until later that day as I was thinking about what happened and focusing on it.  The reason it was so apparent is because I have never heard that phrase or that accent since my Grandma passed away 20 years ago.  But it's only a very subtle I did not feel the need to take any action of any kind, I just noted it.  Then, within the next 48 hours, I heard the same phrase and the same accent 3 more times!!!  Okay, Grandma, I get it......thank you, I Love You!  I have been really wanting more contact with the non-physical energies that are always around me and have been asking for connection and guidance regarding that.  Grandma's energy is answered prayer.  And the best selection because I can easily feel my Grandma's unbounding Love because I have felt it before and I am familiar with it.

Aha!  I have connected these two seemingly separate subjects.  I want to cut my hair but I also want to do it being conscious and aware that it signifies a shift, a transformation.  In other words, I want a reason to do it, that would make me feel better about it.  Wanting to tap into outside, non-physical guidance gives me the strong reason I am looking for to now cut my hair ceremoniously and deliberately.

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