Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The DFOTB Series, 32 Chapters, 106 entries, My Personal Torah

I was inspired to create this series from the insights that I was having on my 2 hr. bike rides.  Like most people who practice aerobic activity; biking, running, swimming, etc., I often receive insights (downloads) that guide me and are useful in my daily life.  Also, like most people, I often forget these insights by the time I am finished with my ride.  Thankfully, I have a Voice Memo app on my iPhone that easily allows me to record these downloads for future reference.  I also discovered a site,, that allows users up to 1 gigabyte of file space to share with others, for free.  Thanks!

My purpose in this creation was to observe, understand, and influence my process of Waking Up!  I believe that my thoughts are the most powerful thing that I have and that my thoughts create my life experience.  Therefore, I believe it is important to hear, analyze, and adjust my thoughts so I can  create the life that I want.  This is precisely what I am doing.  I am choosing to share my process with others in the hope that I can inspire someone, somewhere to Wake Up! to their own process and life's journey.

It is most beneficial for the listener to begin with Chapter 1, recorded on Dec. 18th, 2009, and progress, in sequence, up to Chapter 32.  I have found that knowledge, and insights, have a cumulative effect and power.

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