Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bali - A Paradise Attracting Leading Edge Creators

   The Best of Bali - A Raw Food Chefs Paradise
Within the first couple of days of landing in Ubud, Bali, Avara and I found ourselves in a beautiful villa surrounded by Raw Food Chefs and leaders in the Raw Food movement from a variety of backgrounds and cultures.  Americans, Asians, Australians, Balinese, and Europeans were all in the kitchen preparing a variety of dishes made from fresh local ingredients for this Raw Food potluck dinner.  We all felt the buzz and excitement as we shared information, techniques, contacts, etc.  I had the feeling that sometime in the not too distant future I would look back at this event and see how each of these individuals had become recognized as world leaders in this rapidly expanding field.  We were creating a vortex of energy that would continue to expand long after this dinner was over and it was an honor and a privilege to be right in the middle of it.  A very satisfying and fulfilling experience!
Raw Chocolate Squares - Dates, Cashews, Raisins, Goji's, Cacao

Friday, March 19, 2010

Life in the Vortex #6

My vision for a Peace Concert(s) returned strongly while I was hanging out in my Vortex.  Details emerged which made this desire feel so real and ready to begin taking shape.  I realized that I am in the perfect position to pull this off and saw how my connections (people and places) are in total support and alignment.  I have already begun sharing this idea with those close to me and have had only passionate positive support.

1.  Peace Concert 3.01: http://www.box.net/shared/jbaf13189i
2.  Peace Concert 3.02: http://www.box.net/shared/gp5vpzjm35
3.  Peace Concert 3.03: http://www.box.net/shared/ap02thlfkc
4.  Peace Concert 3.04: http://www.box.net/shared/7vmyfxxytn

Life in the Vortex #5

This morning's ride was an opportunity to see my life from a longer-term viewpoint which caused a deep and loving appreciation for everything that has happened up until this point in time.  I saw how everything was perfectly orchestrated to provide me with amended desires.  I also experienced the understanding that I have the ability to focus on a variety of subjects and need not be singularly focused in order to manifest on the physical plane.  As long as resistance is not present then I can flow into many wonderful experiences and am only limited by what I believe is possible.

1.  Seeing My Evolution From Inside the Vortex: http://www.box.net/shared/63lrqhh2ql
2.  The Illusion of Focusing Singularly: http://www.box.net/shared/1nodpdf1h6

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Life in the Vortex #4

This post felt like a cleaning and clearing of old stuff accumulated in my Body Temple, hence the "colonic" theme.

1.  Brain Colonic: http://www.box.net/shared/e44rlsscmo
2.  Whole Body Colonic: http://www.box.net/shared/p3doph5qku

Life in the Vortex #3

In this post I felt the desire to limit my entries to a less personal nature, any comments?

1.  The Changing Seasons: http://www.box.net/shared/5s88jzyimv
2.  Jacob's Ladder, The Middle Ground: http://www.box.net/shared/lvy788a2yn

Life in the Vortex #2

In this post I am settling into, and in-JOY-ing being in The Vortex.  From inside my Vortex all the answers, dreams, visions, and desires come alive and are recognized.  One key, for me, is recognizing what I have put in my Vortex so that when it manifests I can FEEL the ecstasy of being the creator of IT.

1.  Partying with Sofia: http://www.box.net/shared/vxpit22vu8
2.  Living a Vortex Moment: http://www.box.net/shared/9fbpgospu3
3.  I Have it, Improvising w/Ruach: http://www.box.net/shared/nf2er7406r
4.  Launching a Desire, Playing w/Jai: http://www.box.net/shared/vpz51tyruo
5.  Launching a Desire, Peace Concert: http://www.box.net/shared/k1pul39ruz
6.  Opening Up, Increasing the Intensity of My Focus: http://www.box.net/shared/d0osivosun
7.  Updated Desire, Peace Concert 2.0: http://www.box.net/shared/71byfvpzhl

Notes To Self & Life in the Vortex

In this post I make a transition from my different versions of communicating insights I receive while riding my bike in the early morning hours (usually between 3 am - 6 am).
I began with "Downloads From On The Bike" which, after my 50th bday and Vision Quest, morphed into "Wisdom From The Road", then, very briefly, to "Notes to Self", and finally "Life in the Vortex".

1.  Time Trial: http://www.box.net/shared/55tujs201q
2.  Sofia, Ruch School Hoola Hoop Champion: http://www.box.net/shared/yhxxutbypf
3.  Time Trial Reconsidered: http://www.box.net/shared/mbllxbi9a6
4.  The Power of Connecting to Source: http://www.box.net/shared/rnrtkrs04a
5.  Notes to Self, Hoola Hoop: http://www.box.net/shared/e9f4072db7
6.  Hill Where The Lord Hides: http://www.box.net/shared/qo721fyj99
7.  Life in the Vortex: http://www.box.net/shared/d755qg3egl
8.  Wheee!  200m Lottery, Life in the Vortex: http://www.box.net/shared/lsvnsei642

Sunday, March 7, 2010

3 Steps To Self Mastery

Something came to me this morning that I thought worthy to share.  It is based upon my own observations and life experience.

I was focusing on the topic of leaving mitzrayim, the world of human created limits and suffering, and moving into the desert on my way to The Promised Land.  I was able to see my own path and simplify it into 3 basic steps.  I then focused on these steps and saw how we, as humans, struggle with them.  I then saw the solution, through my own life experience, of how we can transcend the struggling, let go of our enslavement, and move into Freedom!

The first 2 steps happen simultaneously and support each other, they are:

1.  Positive Body Consciousness
2.  Reprogramming Our Thoughtware

The one thing that trips us up the most is not feeling good about, or in, our bodies.  Every time we have any negative thought about our bodies, we are disconnected from our Source (God).  This means each and every part of our bodies we must love and appreciate completely.  How many people do you know who can do that?  This doesn't mean we have to mold our bodies to our idea of physical perfection.  We just have to think and feel good about our bodies.  When most people look in the mirror, they easily find fault with themselves.  Since we drag our physical bodies around with us wherever we go, we are always faced with the opportunity to denigrate and feel negative about our physical bodies.  We must move beyond this to a state of Love and Appreciation of our powerful & sacred body temple.

The Solution - We need to engage in a high energy program of eating and exercise.

Eating:  I recommend eating delicious vegan (90%) raw food.  This does wonders in shedding weight, lowering body fat percentage, boosting the immune system, increasing energy levels, and feeling great about ourselves.  There are some excellent raw food books out there, it's much easier than you might think.

Exercise: Exercise is a must.  Whether it's biking, running, walking, swimming, or yoga doesn't matter.  What does matter is the feeling of being in our bodies and connected to its life force.  Transformation is an inside job.  An easy way in is connecting to our physical form through exercise.  This exercise should be a minimum of 45 minutes/day, 4-5 days/wk.

Reprogramming The Thoughtware
While we are engaging in our exercise, it is important that we listen to something that will begin to reprogram our minds (from a state of reacting to things to a state of inspired response).  I listen to a combination of spiritual teachings (Abraham-Hicks and Rev. Michael Beckwith) and sacred music (mostly by Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, Shimshai, Nusrat Fatah Ali Khan, and Deva Premal). 

Shuffle - The Guru

We are our own Guru's.  When we take responsibility for our thoughts and actions we come to the understanding that each one of us have all that we need to get to where we want to go.  No one can know ourselves like we do.  Our feelings, our desires, our vulnerabilities.  It is our job to examine and become aware of our Belief System (BS), and our judgments, so we can transform them.
The beauty of Shuffle, on our ipods and iphones, is the ability to deliver to us exactly what we need to hear in exactly the moment we need to hear it.  When we believe that all things are significant and acting in our benefit and trust the tool of our inner guru, Shuffle, each session is filled with "Aha" moments.  It is important to provide Shuffle with a language in which to communicate with us.  This language is the content we load into our ipods and iphones (I will be including my own Playlist of what I have been listening to for those who are interested).

This reprogramming is complete when we have stopped reacting to things and instead have found a peaceful loving place within from which we respond to the world around us.  This response is a harmonious activity of being Present and is based on Love.

Step 3:  Doing, in the physical world, from a place of inspired action.

Once we have completed steps 1 & 2, Step 3 feels like a naturally occurring way to Be in the world.  It is an effortless allowing of our Self Mastery to come through and take over our lives. There is no struggle or regrets, just a peaceful knowing that all is well and that we are surrounded and supported by the universal life force.  Inspiration comes through us when we are attuned to Let It, and the perfect action opportunity appears, seemingly out of nowhere.  Step 3 is the allowing that Abraham is always talking about.  It's effortless and easily doable though it may seem crazy or illogical at times.  When we can recognize that our resistance to taking the inspired action is only based upon our past patterns and beliefs, then we can move forward into action anyway and benefit from the positive results.  This is where our faith needs to be stronger than our past his-story and her-story.

As I was writing this I received my daily email quote from Abraham which is the perfect thing to end with:

I want to be the best that I can be. I want to do and have and live in a way that is in harmony with my idea of the greatest goodness. I want to harmonize physically here in this body with that which I believe to be the best, or the good way, of life. If you will make those statements, and then do not take action unless you feel good, you will always be moving upon the path in harmony with your idea of that which is good.

--- Abraham

Wisdom From The Road, #3

Our Poodle Goes To Schoodle

 Ecstatic and intense ride this morning filled with insights, imaginings, and feeling The Presence.

1.  I discuss changing the name of "Passover" to "Passing Over", with the latter implying a greater degree of participation.  We are in the process of "Passing Over", making the evolutionary leap from slavery, our own limitations, to the freedom of being the creative beings we came here to be.  This process is active in the Present Moment.  It is engaging and requires our participation.  We Are Passing Over, We Are The Change: http://www.box.net/shared/qk4jiahc9p

2.  Here I describe what I am doing on this blog.  My purpose for blogging: http://www.box.net/shared/cu5i74fou9

3.  A funny thing happened while running a Stop Sign in J'ville: http://www.box.net/shared/r1mzt5o5k3
4.  My Broadway Play, Master-Ba't: http://www.box.net/shared/ghilyqe8nx
5.  Slowing Down and Feeling: http://www.box.net/shared/8y64f7cc6j

Friday, March 5, 2010

Wisdom From The Road, #2

From Slavery to Freedom, leaving Mitzrayim for The Promised Land

This morning's theme was about leaving the confines of our Left Brain Consciousness...which is mired in thoughts of worry, doubt, fear, lack, and limitation...and entering the possibilities of our Right Brain Consciousness which dwells in the vibe of connection, love, unity, expression, and unboundedness.

We have the choice in every moment, throughout our daily lives, to be attuned to either of these forms of consciousness.  One is about habit and patterning and is largely unaware, while the other is awake, aware, and eager to explore the mystical.

Another thing that came up was the image of an ant's nest being stirred up and the ants forced to change their well-worn paths, or trails.  We Humans are not any different than an ant colony, besides having more inner species conflicts and wars.  When our environment changes and the equilibrium is upset we are forced to evolve or die.  The process of evolving, for us, is about making different lifestyle choices to ensure the survival of our species.

Finally, I am continuing to Be the most expanded version of myself through feeling the manifestation of my desires.  It's exhilirating...and I am so appreciative that I am experiencing it in consciousness, Now!

1. Raven's Lesson, Pull Back My Focus: http://www.box.net/shared/vcl6sfpgmx
2. Our Evolutionary Leap, The Time Is Now: http://www.box.net/shared/qyl9rddkp4
3. Thank You For The Positive Responses: http://www.box.net/shared/0ohezfvh30
4. Left Brain Enslavement, Right Brain Freedom: http://www.box.net/shared/lly1oa2hkk
5. Requests for My Playlist: http://www.box.net/shared/qb51b95aqe

Wisdom From The Road, My New Series

My evolution continues...this morning I had the inspiration to Be, in the present, the Being I am in the process of becoming.  In other words, I am not waiting for something to happen anymore.  I am thinking, speaking, and acting as if my dreams have already manifested, because I know that they have, vibrationally.  So I created this new series, Wisdom From The Road...which is essentially the more evolved version of Downloads From On The Bike (I couldn't keep my thoughts to myself for more than 1 day!).  In this series, I am focusing my positive emotions and feelings into the life events I am describing and having a blast doing it!  So Enjoy!  I AM!
1. A Question For Lance: http://www.box.net/shared/c0hndhgloc
2. The New Series Name: http://www.box.net/shared/y2c8qhogpe
3. Looking for a Job, Blogging: http://www.box.net/shared/bt5dynzg68
4. Welcoming 25 New Blog Subscribers: http://www.box.net/shared/ejm4kxcopy
5. Going To Bed Laughing: http://www.box.net/shared/y0ak0749ht
6. Going To Bali, Wisdom From The Pool: http://www.box.net/shared/aup01i79fk
7. My Kona Kula and New Right Shifter: http://www.box.net/shared/g4ky20pkxm
8. First Time On Letterman: http://www.box.net/shared/bltg8x40us
9. Newsweek Magazine Feature Article: http://www.box.net/shared/uxo1joh2rj
10. Dave L., Connecticut Connection: http://www.box.net/shared/22vdbiq8s3

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Raw Food Lifestyle...The Best Way to Optimum Health!

Tomorrow is a milestone for me as it marks the completion of 6 months that I have been primarily (90%) on a raw food vegan diet.  This experiment has been so successful that it has evolved into a lifestyle change as I have experienced the following benefits:

• weight loss (15 lbs.) and reduced body fat
• increase in energy levels (avg. 4-5 hrs. sleep)
• consistently better digestion and elimination
• mental clarity and enhanced ability to focus
• smoother and softer skin
• elimination of food addictions and allergies

I have been very fortunate to have had an easy transition into this new lifestyle due to the fact that my wife, Avara, has been eating raw vegan for 11 months and has evolved into a raw food chef extraordinaire!  Her creations are tastier than anything I have ever eaten!  So, not only am I not deprived in the satiety factor, but my satisfaction and appreciation have reached levels I would not have thought possible.  Now, when we lovingly prepare our food we not only receive the benefits of what we are eating (important protein and phytonutrients that are not destroyed in the cooking process), we also receive the benefits of the blissful positive thoughts we are having about the taste of our food and its supportive and nourishing qualities for our bodies.

A raw food lifestyle has the ability to cure so many common dis-eases (e.g., diabetes), and can, singlehandedly, transform the health insurance nightmare that is now being played out in our national politics.

There are two worthwhile documentaries I would recommend that highlight and discuss a raw food lifestyle; "Simply Raw", and "FoodMatters".

We already have all of the answers and solutions to our national health crisis.  Our bodies and brains are the most powerful healing mechanism on the planet.  At this time in humanity's evolution, we are being called to make a change.  Our thoughts and beliefs can either do us harm and continue to create dis-ease, or they can become the healing power that can take us to a new expanded and joyous way of Being.  When we "Wake-Up!" to this then we become available to be the instrument through which miracles happen!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My First 50 Years - What A Ride...And Getting Better All The Time!

For those of you following my blog, you are aware of my process and desire to do a Vision Quest (first mentioned in my Feb. 5th DFOTB #24 blog entry).  It felt appropriate to celebrate and commemorate my first 50 years on the planet by  experiencing a Shaman's death and being reborn into my next 50 years.

Death Valley...the name was so appropriate...although I had never been there it felt like the right place to be for this special coming-of-age ceremony.  My intention was to embrace and appreciate my first 50 years of life (lived mostly as Allen G. Aronovic, Allen Aronovich, and finally, Asher Yaron), bless it, and then LET IT GO!  I envisioned being reborn on my birthday, Feb. 25th, and stepping into my next 50 years as the Powerful, Intuitive, Loving Presence that I AM.  Well, I did it!
My first 50 were great...my next 50 unimaginable!!! 

The DFOTB Series, 32 Chapters, 106 entries, My Personal Torah

I was inspired to create this series from the insights that I was having on my 2 hr. bike rides.  Like most people who practice aerobic activity; biking, running, swimming, etc., I often receive insights (downloads) that guide me and are useful in my daily life.  Also, like most people, I often forget these insights by the time I am finished with my ride.  Thankfully, I have a Voice Memo app on my iPhone that easily allows me to record these downloads for future reference.  I also discovered a site, Box.net, that allows users up to 1 gigabyte of file space to share with others, for free.  Thanks Box.net!

My purpose in this creation was to observe, understand, and influence my process of Waking Up!  I believe that my thoughts are the most powerful thing that I have and that my thoughts create my life experience.  Therefore, I believe it is important to hear, analyze, and adjust my thoughts so I can  create the life that I want.  This is precisely what I am doing.  I am choosing to share my process with others in the hope that I can inspire someone, somewhere to Wake Up! to their own process and life's journey.

It is most beneficial for the listener to begin with Chapter 1, recorded on Dec. 18th, 2009, and progress, in sequence, up to Chapter 32.  I have found that knowledge, and insights, have a cumulative effect and power.