Saturday, December 19, 2009


There seems to be a lot of concern and anger about "our sign" being stolen.  A lot of people are weighing in including outraged Rabbi's.  

I think the disappearance of the sign is actually a great blessing!  The Presence of this sign (as a reminder that we have, "enemies in every generation", like the Haggadah says) has been a burden we have carried for generations since the Holocaust.  It has been, for us, like shackles that has kept us in Mitzrayim, slavery.  I say we need to let go of the victim consciousness.  I think we should erect a new sign in its place that says, "Now, We Are Free!"  As the insightful Ari said today, (The Ari of Ashland, that is), I'm paraphrasing, "maybe the individuals who took the sign were operating on a higher level of consciousness and are signaling the beginning of a new paradigm that is about letting go of the past and from this Now perspective recreating from Freedom consciousness".  Brilliant Ari!  Yasha Koach!

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