Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The 73rd Name of God, IT (Invisible Ta'anug)

In searching for another name, in English, to use for God (the word God is loaded with preconceived thoughts and ideas that are based on separation and duality) I have come up with IT.  The only reference I have for IT is cousin It from the old Munster's TV show.  IT's innocuous enough for me, cousin It, like The Presence, Source, God, etc., was hidden.  IT as an acronym stands for Invisible Ta'anug.  Ta'anug is a hebrew slang word that means blissful pleasure.  It is a word I was introduced to by my Israeli friend Ronen.  When Ronen says, "Ta'anug", he says it in such an expressive and joyous way that his face and whole being is lit up and awake indicating his connection to the IT in that moment.  So, from here on when I write about God I will use the acronym IT.

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