Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Focusing On The Past:http://www.box.net/shared/g2tc50xb1q                 

Monday, December 21, 2009

Wake-Up!: Asher's 12 Step Re(Program) for Coffee Enlightenment

Recorded Guided Meditation:  http://www.box.net/shared/nz2zc2yttx


Well preserved roadkill on this morning's ride.

2.  Aladdin - http://www.box.net/shared/65ugec7jsb

Saturday, December 19, 2009


Here is another edition of Downloads From On The Bike:

On Tiger Woods: http://www.box.net/shared/m0ry8f3izl

I Feel Like a Golfball:  http://www.box.net/shared/epdsds5pjn

On Parsha Mikketz:  http://www.box.net/shared/mucs59zvi2


There seems to be a lot of concern and anger about "our sign" being stolen.  A lot of people are weighing in including outraged Rabbi's.  

I think the disappearance of the sign is actually a great blessing!  The Presence of this sign (as a reminder that we have, "enemies in every generation", like the Haggadah says) has been a burden we have carried for generations since the Holocaust.  It has been, for us, like shackles that has kept us in Mitzrayim, slavery.  I say we need to let go of the victim consciousness.  I think we should erect a new sign in its place that says, "Now, We Are Free!"  As the insightful Ari said today, (The Ari of Ashland, that is), I'm paraphrasing, "maybe the individuals who took the sign were operating on a higher level of consciousness and are signaling the beginning of a new paradigm that is about letting go of the past and from this Now perspective recreating from Freedom consciousness".  Brilliant Ari!  Yasha Koach!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Downloads From On The Bike

I am starting a new series that is called DFOTB, which stands for Downloads From On The Bike.

I will explain.

Lately I have been having many insights while riding my bike and listening to teachings from my Holy Guru, "Shuffle".  Shuffle knows exactly what I need to hear at the time I need to hear it.  Of course Shuffle is limited in its choices based upon what I have uploaded to my iphone, so I have carefully chosen a combination of teachings and sacred music.  The majority of the teachings come from Abraham-Hicks and Reverend Michael Beckwith.  These two sources have been so helpful and inspirational to me and I am very grateful and appreciative for them.  The sacred music comes from a variety of artists including; Deva Premal, Jai Uttal, Krishna Das, and many others.  It's uncanny, miraculous, fun, and meaningful all at once.  Every ride is a mystical experience full of joyful understanding and a deep connection to ITIT never fails to WOW! me with a depth of understanding and unconditional loving of who and what I AM.  Occasionally I receive insights that are profound and that I feel important to share.  So here goes......the first installment of DFOTB.

1.  English Language - http://www.box.net/shared/myoep4itr4
2.  Fetal Position - http://www.box.net/shared/r46yoiftm1
3.  Xmas Day - http://www.box.net/shared/nxuiyjqfj8

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mikketz - Joseph, his Gift and his Life's Purpose

A couple of days ago I was asked by my friend Sasha Borenstein if I would be the gabbai for her reading of the second aliyah in parsha Mikketz this coming Shabbat.  I was honored by the asking and enthusiastically said yes.  We studied this particular section of the Torah together which is about Pharaoh's dream and Joseph's interpretation of the dream.  As Sasha chanted beautifully in hebrew, I followed along. 

The aliyah began with Pharaoh describing his dream to Joseph.  After Pharaoh was finished it came time for Joseph's interpretation.  I felt a dramatic shift in the Torah trope from a neutral matter-of-fact description of the facts of the dream by Pharaoh, to an enlightened explanation of the dream by Joseph.  I felt waves of IT (Invisible Ta'anug) ripple through my body and I realized that Joseph was, in that moment, understanding Pharaoh's dream from the realm of IT consciousness when giving his interpretation.  Joseph's entire life up to that point had prepared him just for this moment.  This was his gift and opportunity to transcend his past and step into his future as the savior of the Egyptians and the Jews.  And the reason that Joseph had access to the IT was because he had surrendered his small egoic self by telling Pharaoh that he, Joseph, was not the interpreter of the dream, "it is not in me; God (IT) will give Pharaoh an answer of peace".  Joseph was fulfilling his mission by getting out of his own way and allowing The IT to work through and as him.

Each of us has IT given gifts and abilities that can either frustrate us (when we are not using them out of fear, unawareness, or because we are concerned what others might think), or can elevate us to experience the IT directly and powerfully.  We have the choice.  What are we doing with our gifts and abilities?  Are they being locked up and/or misused by our ego?  Or are we able to surrender our small selves and open to the possibility for IT to direct our thoughts and actions to create Shalom, peace and wholeness?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The 73rd Name of God, IT (Invisible Ta'anug)

In searching for another name, in English, to use for God (the word God is loaded with preconceived thoughts and ideas that are based on separation and duality) I have come up with IT.  The only reference I have for IT is cousin It from the old Munster's TV show.  IT's innocuous enough for me, cousin It, like The Presence, Source, God, etc., was hidden.  IT as an acronym stands for Invisible Ta'anug.  Ta'anug is a hebrew slang word that means blissful pleasure.  It is a word I was introduced to by my Israeli friend Ronen.  When Ronen says, "Ta'anug", he says it in such an expressive and joyous way that his face and whole being is lit up and awake indicating his connection to the IT in that moment.  So, from here on when I write about God I will use the acronym IT.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mystical Ruminations...

Recently I have had some profound experiences and realizations that I would like to share. 

On Shabbat:

As we enter Shabbat, the first thing we do is light candles.  Shabbat is about going into the darkness, the void, pure consciousness, and dwelling there (like Moses communing with the Presence in the tent).  This void of pure consciousness is where creation begins.  It begins in the invisible as a thought long before we see the physical manifestation of it.  In the void we are able to glimpse a vision for our lives and then bring it back into the body.  On Shabbat we catch the vision and then take action in the physical world for the next 6 days.

 I think we should use Yahrzeit candles for Shabbat candles to assist us in letting go of the old-self on a weekly basis.  Each week we die to our littleness, small self, just a bit.  Our constant expansion is summoning us and requires us to examine our thoughts and beliefs so we can let go of them and go with our natural expansion.  Shabbat was created for this purpose.  It is a weekly practice of communing with the Presence and experiencing God Consciousness.

On Tzim-Tzum, lit., contraction:

During this morning’s meditation I realized the concept of Tzim-Tzum.  Everything in the universe is made up of energy and it is pure, whole, and perfect.  This energy (in the Jewish tradition it is referred to as God), is actually a vibration, a resonance.  It feels ecstatic, orgasmic, and glorious!  This is the place, the vibration, from whence we all come forth into this physical experience.  We choose to experience Tzim-Tzum, this contraction from our natural state of God Consciousness, in order to be our creative selves and create on a blank canvas.  We choose this just for the fun and feeling of the expansion!  This means that when we talk about God withdrawing it’s consciousness creating Tzim-Tzum, we are really talking about our eternal non-physical beingness choosing Tzim-Tzum.  We are not separate from this process, WE ARE the God beings choosing Tzim-Tzum.  And the best part is that this choice is temporary, for when we die (there is no real death, just the leaving of our physical bodies) we instantly return to that blissful state of ONEness.

How ****ing good is that!