Monday, October 26, 2009

Trees of Knowledge

This past week I received a Chinese Acupuncture 5 Elements treatment with my friend and talented healer Lee Showerman. Lee suggests a minimum of 4 treatments a year around the time of the change of seasons. She explained how the earth, uncomfortably, shifts from one season to the next. After summertime, which is the most Yang (active) time of the year, the shift to Autumn brings with it a time of withdrawing from the intense activity in the physical world.

For the past week I had been feeling slightly depleted of energy and desiring to rest and sleep more. Knowing intuitively that all life is experiencing these same feelings, because we all are connected to the earth and to each other, I called Lee to make an appointment for my seasonal energy balancing of my 5 elements.

Lee described our lives like that of a tree whose focus changes from flowering outwardly to withdrawing and bringing the energy back to its roots.

I loved this metaphor and spent meditation time dwelling in returning to my own roots, as a spiritual being having a human incarnation. Of letting go of the daily worrisome thoughts about survival and competition, and directing my focus and thoughts about creating wonder, love, and joy.

It's easy for us to get offtrack and be pulled down by the gravity of the human experience especially at this season of reflection and introspection. When all we can see is the physical world our vision of a great future is diminished. Now is the time to return within and re-energize our dreams and visions. We may not see the physical results until the springtime, but we will feel and know that we are growing and preparing to burst forth 6 months from now.

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