Thursday, March 19, 2009

Running Man

Recently I have become more aware of the internal ticking clock that drives me. It feels to me that the natural state of my physical body is constantly in a mode I call Running Man. It also feels like this mode is necessary in order to exist in this time/space reality. On the other hand, I am also aware of the dimension of me that is timeless and exists outside of our time/space reality. That part of my being craves silent stillness where I am fully present and communing with The Presence. This is the place where I meet the holy one, is beyond thought, a place of feeling.

In order to reach that place of communion I have been doing a meditation that helps me get there. It actually is a process that slows time. The meditation goes something like this:

First, imagine you are on a crowded subway train that is traveling fast through the tunnel. Imagine this is the Time Train. Feel your body rhythms, your breathing, your heart rate and sync them up with the rhythm of the train on the tracks. Relax into that feeling and ride the train for a couple of minutes.

Now, as you hear the conductor call out the next stop, take the next couple of minutes feeling the train gradually slowing down, and feel your body rhythms also slowing down in sync with the train, until the train comes to a full stop. Feel yourself stopping and becoming acutely aware of the stillness in the present moment where time has been temporarily suspended.

As the doors to the train open feel your excitement of peeking out at a new world. It feels to me like cautiously peeking out from the cave I have been living in. Step out of the train. Notice how it feels to have the train doors close behind you. Adventure? Fear? Wonder? This is a place where anything is possible, the eternal dimension. See the train move on and look around. See the sign that says "Welcome To Heaven, You Made It!"

Here is the audio file for this guided meditation:

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