Friday, April 30, 2010

Life in the Vortex #11

I had an inspiration on this morning's ride about creating an HBO series called, "In The Vortex".  Part drama, and part comedy, this series would explore the duality of consciousness as the main character, based on me, shuttles between his Vortex and physical life on planet earth.

1.  In The Vortex, an HBO series:
2.  In The Vortex, an HBO series, #2:

Life in the Vortex #10

On this ride I was focused on seeing and feeling those things in my life that I have put into my Vortex that are currently manifesting in my life.  I felt great Joy and Satisfaction in knowing that I have been the Creator of my own life experience!

1. I Have Created a container, a structure, for my Desire:
2. Realizing What's in my Vortex:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life in the Vortex #9

 This morning I was feeling deep gratitude and thanksgiving for my teachers, "Rabbi" Michael Bernard Beckwith, who is my teacher of practical Kabbalah.  And, Jerry and Esther Hicks who are my teachers of the inner workings of my thoughts, feelings, and desires.  I am so very grateful!  You have helped me to be Free, feel Joy, and Expand without limits.  Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

1.  Thank You MBB:
2.  Thank You Jerry & Esther Hicks:
3.  Staying Focused on the Expansion:

Life in the Vortex #8

This ride was really remarkable in that I have been riding a bike for over 20 years now and just discovered a new climbing technique that was in my Vortex.  I was able to demonstrate this new technique which allowed me to climb with a lot more power than I have had in the past.  I am certain this technique is practiced by professional riders...I just did not have access to it until today.

1.  Bali Cycling Team:
2.  Living My Dreams:
3.  New Climbing Technique:

Life in the Vortex #7

My first ride since returning from Bali.  Nice to be back on the bike and feeling detached from the seriousness of the physical world.  I am also feeling a very different perspective after making a family decision to move to Bali long-term.  It's feeling like all of us will benefit greatly from this move and this expansion of our beings.  The only way to describe it is that we are going from a glory to a greater glory.  Hallelujah!

1.  The Union Room:
2.  Running the Rope Between the Physical and Non-physical:
3.  Embracing What's Best for Me:
4.  The Earth is Exposing My Gold:
5.  Sofia, Letting Go and Evolving:

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mountain Biking in Bali

Here I am showing off my newly acquired road rash
Had a great ride today led by Michelle Frasher, an awesome rider with great technical skills.  Michelle took me on a backroads tour amongst rivers, rice paddies, single track, foot paths, and plenty of mud.  In past trips to this island paradise I have suspended my riding and embraced swimming as my preferred exercise.  Now I am looking forward to exploring Bali on two wheels.  Thanks Michelle!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Tabanan - Coffee, Cacao, and More!

 Our good friend and business partner Wirata took us on an adventure today exploring the mountains where coffee, cacao, clove, and much more grows in abundance.  The coffee cherries are still not ready for harvesting but will be in a few months.  Everything grows naturally, organically, mostly under the shade of coconut palms.  The views from the mountain tops were spectacular!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kintamani - Bali Coffee Country

Traveled up to Kintamani which is in the mountains of Bali.  They grow coffee up here, both Robusta and Arabica, as well as cacao and clove.

We stayed with our longtime friends and business partners, Wirata and Nyoman Ayu.  Avara prepared a Raw Food dinner and we enjoyed spectacular views and thunderstorms!

I placed my first order for dry processed Arabica beans for the upcoming harvest in the next few months.  My goal is to develop an organic gourmet quality coffee from Bali that will be processed and sold locally to hotels, resorts, and restaurants.  Wake-Up! just went international.  Stay tuned.....

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Bali Spirit Festival 2010

Our friends, Meghan and Kadek, have created an incredible event they call The Bali Spirit Festival (  The festival's broad focus is on yoga, dance, music, and a coming together of a community of talented artists and creators.  Over 4 days and 5 nights there were classes, workshops, and concerts with world class teachers and musicians.  An international group coalesced into a conscious community giving and receiving each one's gift. 

One of the highlights was Shiva Rea leading a group of westerners in the Kecak (monkey chant) ceremony at the Monkey Forest in Ubud.  This was the first time something like this was done and it is indicative of the east meets west energy that is occurring here in Bali.

This was the 3rd year of the event and attracted hundreds of presenters and participants.  Yashar Koach! Meghan and Kadek.  I can't wait to attend next year's event!